French A Level (Edexcel)
Course Overview (Edexcel)
Course Specification: 7652
The course covers the development of francophone culture, literature and cinema, focusing particularly on recent changes in family and youth life, the media and the impact of immigration. There is a separate historical focus on the effects of the Second World War on France in terms of occupation, collaboration and the resistance movement.
Throughout their studies, students will learn the language in the context of French-speaking countries.
Course Requirement
5 GCSEs graded 9 – 5 including English and Maths at grade 5. Grade 6 in French required.
Year 1
Students study the changing nature of French society, including families, art and music and media as well as the films Les Intouchables and La Haine.
Year 2
Students study how immigration affects France and the French speaking world, how France was impacted by the Second World War and the book Les Petits Enfants du Siecle.
Teaching and Learning styles
Students will develop the skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing using a range of audio, literary and video resources.
In addition there will be regular grammar sessions (both explicit and in context of current topics).
Independent Study
Students will be required to undertake 6 hours per week of independent study to support class learning: this will be logged in their student folders and regularly checked.
Assessment Information
The assessment is formed of three papers:
Paper 1: Listening, reading and writing
Written exam
40% of A-level
Paper 2: Response to texts and translation
Written exam
30% of A-level
Paper 3: Speaking
Oral exam
30% of A-level
Future Pathways
French has been identified by the Russell Group of top universities as a facilitating subject, meaning that it prepares students for the most challenging academic study. In turn, high level academic qualifications give the most choice in the job market. Many employers value the ability speak and communicate in a foreign language – a skill that is becoming ever rarer.