School Uniform

At the John Roan School, we believe that the school uniform plays an extremely important role in supporting our ethos of bringing out the best in everyone by ensuring that every student takes pride in their appearance and is proud to wear our uniform. The John Roan School uniform reflects our school PRIDE and equality values, whilst celebrating the historic traditions of the school. The John Roan uniform includes the green blazer which has been worn for over a hundred years and the John Roan family crest which has been part of our uniform since 1677.  

The school uniform expectations are clear and explicit.

All students must dress in full school uniform each day. The only exception to this is a student with a medical/SEND reason and this must be agreed by the Head of Year/SENDCO. Where students attend school without the correct uniform, students will be given a uniform provided by the school. (Where the school receives appropriate communication from parents a detention will not be set, where no communication is received a 1 hour detention will be set) Where students do not wear school provided uniforms, they will not be permitted to attend lessons. 

Please consult the uniform list for full details of The John Roan School uniform. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are available from:

Khalsa Schoolwear – Dagenham Store 
Unit 1 Cromwell Centre
Selinas Lane
Telephone: 020 7729 3286

JK Clothing
148 Well Hall Road
Telephone: 0208 859 4004
Website: (Password is: jrs876)

Our school uniform remains consistent all year round.  We do not have a seasonal change however students can wear short sleeved traditional white school shirts if they wish.


Parents who wish to apply for a school uniform grant should complete and return the Hardship Fund application form here.

The John Roan School Uniform Expectations



Further information  




Green with  

The John Roan School 


To be kept smart and clean  

To be worn at all times during the day, as well as to and from the school, unless directed otherwise by staff.  

Only original buttons to be used to fasten – no safety pins etc.   

Sleeves to be worn at full length, not rolled‐up.  

Only school‐issued badges to adorn the blazer. 



Black, formal,  

tailored style,  

full length 

No jean‐like, corduroy, high‐fashion, overly tight trousers, leggings, jeggings, skinny trousers, short ankle or shorts.   

Trousers should be worn with a secure fit around the waist.  

Belts should be black, plain and functional, with no oversized buckles or trimmings. 

Any retailer  

Skirt (optional) 

The John Roan School Black school skirt with logo 

Skirts must not be shortened by rolling up at the waist and must be worn at an appropriate length, just above the knee. 



Plain white, traditional school  


The shirt should be tucked  in, buttoned  at the neck and, if longed sleeved, sleeves must be worn at full length.   

No other clothing to be visible under the shirt.   

No designer shirts.   

A shirt must be worn accompanied by the School tie. 

Any retailer  


The John Roan School tie 

Must be kept in good condition with colour visible in the stripes and worn with a closed knot covering the shirt collar  

button at the neck.  

Tie should be of appropriate length with two full stripes and the crest showing. 




Black, V-neck, long sleeved.  

To be kept smart and clean appearance 

A plain black, V-necked, no logo jumper. Students must not wear the school PE jumper or any other top under their blazer. 




Must be plain, no pattern designs and worn below the knee. No pop socks. Not to be worn with tights. 

Any retailer  



No footless, patterned or fishnet tights, leggings or legwarmers. Not to be worn with socks. 

Any retailer  


Polished black,  

traditional style,  

black stitching,  

black sole and  


A plain design, no trimmings, logos, decorative buckles, coloured laces or stitching, labels, or other decorations.   

No shoe/trainer hybrid footwear, trainers, fabric shoes, or boots of any kind. 

Any retailer  




Plain outdoor  

jacket or coat.  


plain black  

or navy. 

Plain Coat/Jacket no large logo or pattern. Whenever possible it should be plain black or navy blue.  

No hoodies or combination of fabric/knitted tops, cardigans, jumpers, sweatshirts, tracksuit tops, waistcoats,  

sleeveless tops, body warmers, denim jackets etc. 

Any retailer  



Plain black or  

Navy blue 

Plain black or dark blue, no logo. No pashminas. 

If worn for religious reasons, head scarf should be plain black and correctly worn. Only scarfs worn for religious reasons  

are permitted inside the school building. 

Any retailer  


A plain rucksack, large enough to carry schoolbooks and equipment.   

Bags must be suitable for carrying  

school books and PE kit. Plastic carrier bags, handbags, purse bags, shoulder pouches and other inappropriate  

fashion bags will not be permitted.  

Any retailer  

PE Top  

School logo PE top  

Green for KS3 and Black for KS4 

PE top with The John Roan School crest*. 


PE Outer Top (Optional) 

School logo black 

PE outer top with The John Roan School crest*. 


PE Shorts  


Plain black Shorts – These should be thigh length lycra shorts or football style.  

No stripes or coloured panels. 

No hot pants/small shorts. 

Any retailer  

PE Socks 


White Sports Socks.  

Any retailer  

Tracksuit bottoms  


Black tracksuit bottoms - No stripes or coloured panels. 

Any retailer  




Sports trainers.  

Trainers must have non‐marking soles. Plimsolls, canvas and high tops shoes must not be worn.  

Laces should be of the same colour as the trainers. 

Any retailer  

Football boots  

Football boots  

Football boots with studs are the only acceptable footwear on the all-weather pitch (Trainers and blades are NOT permitted). 


Any retailer  


All items should be clearly marked with the student's full name

Personal Presentation Expectations


Individual fashion statements such as extreme hairstyles or non‐ natural colours are not permitted. This includes non-natural hair colour included into braids.  

Only black or dark blue hair accessories are allowed.  

No decorative attachments, coloured weaves or extensions are to be worn in the hair. 

Shaved lines in the hair or eyebrows are not permitted.  

Extreme shaved sides are not permitted. No scalp should be visible.  

No excessive makeup, e.g. lip gloss, lip stick, eyeliner and eye shadow, nail varnish, nail decorations, French tips or extensions are not permitted. 

Tinted or cosmetic contact lenses and decorative dental wear are not permitted.  

No false eyelashes.  

No hoods, hats, caps, durag or bandannas to be worn anywhere on the school grounds.  

Fashion spectacles are not permitted. 


No jewellery except for one wrist watch and a maximum of one pair of small plain, gold or silver ball (no stones) stud earrings.  

One small, plain gold/silver nose stud.  

Facial and body piercings or visible tattoos are not permitted.  

Prohibited earrings or nose studs cannot be covered with a plaster.  

Piercings should be done over the 6 weeks holiday to avoid uniform infringement issues as often stone earrings are used for piercings.  

No accessories are to be worn around the neck, wrists, and ankles or attached to clothing.  

Money should be kept in a purse or wallet securely on their person. Large amounts of money and expensive personal effects should not be brought on site.  

The school will not accept liability for any claim arising from theft, accidental loss or damage to personal effects, money, belongings or clothing whilst on the premises.  

Computer tablets/games etc. must not be brought on site.  

We operate a ‘not seen, not heard’ policy towards mobile phones.  

Confiscated items are to be collected at the end of the school day. Where there are repeated offences, collection periods will be extended at the discretion of the school.  


No pullovers, sweatshirts, hoodies or waistcoats permitted other than the school items described above.  


Please note: boots, trainers, plimsolls and canvas shoes are not permitted. Hats, caps and hooded tops are not allowed on site. Hair colour must be natural. False nails are not permitted. Nail varnish is not permitted. Face, nose and other piercings are not permitted.


We are very clear on the standard required regarding equipment. We expect that all students bring appropriate learning equipment to school to facilitate their progress in every lesson.  

All students must ensure that essential learning equipment is provided for every lesson.  

The John Roan equipment essentials are:  

  • Pencil case 
  • Pens – Black x2 
  • Pens – Green x 2 
  • Pencils – x2 
  • Pencil sharpener 
  • Erasers 
  • A ruler 
  • A glue stick 
  • A protractor 
  • Reading book 
  • A scientific calculator  
  • A whiteboard, pen & board wipe (One set provided by the school - any lost sets are replaceable by the parent) 
  • Reading ruler (provided by the school)  
  • School bag of appropriate size to carry essential equipment and Student books  
  • PE kit when required 

Any student arriving at school without the John Roan equipment essentials will be issued with a one-hour next-day detention.  This will be checked by a teacher each morning during the line-up, where equipment will be loaned for the day. 

School Tie Rotation

Academic Year Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
2024/25 Blue Green Purple Red Yellow
2025/26 Yellow Blue Green Purple Red
2026/27 Red Yellow Blue Green Purple
2027/28 Purple Red Yellow Blue Green

Families who wish to apply for a uniform grant should complete the Hardship Fund form that can be found here

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