Home Learning

The main platform for setting tasks across all Key Stages is Satchel One. Work will be set on various platforms including Sparks, Seneca, and Satchel One to ensure subject-specific, bespoke assignments. Satchel One serves as the central hub for navigating between these platforms and finding work set by each of your children's teachers. Children are expected to record their home learning in their planner.

How often, and when is homework set?

  • Home learning is set on a weekly basis and displayed on Satchel One 
  • Home Learning Timetables/Rotas communicate which subjects have set tasks each week (A or B) 
  • These timetables support students with time management and subject prioritisation 

What is the benefit of home learning?

Home learning is an essential component of our students' learning process. It consists of work set to be completed outside the timetabled curriculum and contains an element of independent study. We use Satchel One to set and track home learning, providing individual log-ins for students, parents (see user guides below), and teachers. 

Research shows that successful students who engage with home learning make significant progress. The Education Endowment Fund (August 2017) found that home learning can lead to an average of five months' additional progress. The quality and consistency of completing home learning are key factors in supporting student achievement. 

Aims of Home Learning 

When setting home learning, we aim to: 

  • Support and extend classroom learning 
  • Develop independent research and learning skills 
  • Encourage self-reliance, time management, and personal organisation 
  • Allow for differentiation and extension for students 
  • Provide opportunities for assessment and progress tracking 
  • Promote enjoyment of learning 
  • Create channels for home-school dialogue and parental support 

Home Learning Rotas

Each year group has a Home Learning Rota available in the Student Area on the relevant year group pages.

Click here to view the student pages.

Independent Learning Resources 

To support independent learning, we provide: 

  • KS3 Student Glossaries: Subject-specific vocabulary to enhance understanding and communication 
  • Knowledge Organisers: Condensed summaries of key information for each topic (Year 7 is online, year 8 and 9 receive books and KS4 are from each subject) 
  • Planners: Contain, exam tips and various subject specific content 

How to Use These Resources: 

  • Regularly review glossaries to build subject-specific vocabulary 
  • Use knowledge organisers for quick revision and to identify areas needing further study 
  • Create flashcards or mind maps based on knowledge organisers 
  • Practice self-quizzing using the information provided 
  • Discuss topics with peers or family members to reinforce understanding 

How Parents Can Support Home Learning 

  • Establish a consistent home learning routine and dedicated study space 
  • Regularly check Satchel One and/or the planner for assigned tasks and deadlines 
  • Encourage your child to use the provided independent learning resources 
  • Discuss schoolwork and ask open-ended questions about what they're learning 
  • Help your child manage their time effectively, balancing home learning with other activities 
  • Praise effort and progress, not just results 
  • Communicate with teachers if you notice your child struggling with assignments 
  • Encourage your child to attend home learning club after school if they are unable to complete home learning at home. 


Recommended Student Resources

Internal School Links

User Guides

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