The teaching of British values at The John Roan School
We promote the fundamental British values of:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
We apply principles that:
- enable pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
- enable pupils to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England
- encourage pupils to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality in which the school is situated and to society more widely
- enable pupils to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England
- further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling pupils to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures
- encourage respect for other people, paying particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the 2010 Act
- encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England
How are British values promoted?
We promote British values through the curriculum to ensure the requirement to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of pupils is met.
Student voice and school council:
We ensure that pupils have a voice that is listened to, and demonstrate how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes such as a school council whose members are voted for by the pupils. The school council represents the wider view of the school community and they meet with senior leaders and the head teacher to share and communicate these views.
Specific examples of the teaching of British values in our school community
We include in suitable parts of the curriculum, as appropriate for the age of pupils, material on the strengths, advantages and disadvantages of democracy, and how democracy and the law works in Britain, in contrast to other forms of government in other countries.
We ensure that all pupils within the school have a voice that is listened to, and demonstrate how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes such as a school council whose members are voted for by the pupils.
We use opportunities such as general or local elections to hold mock elections to promote fundamental British values and provide pupils with the opportunity to learn how to argue and defend points of view.
We use teaching resources from a wide variety of sources to help pupils understand a range of faiths.
We consider and review the role of extra-curricular activities, including any run directly by pupils, in promoting fundamental British values examples include the schools ‘debate mate’ and sporting, drama and musical activities that operate.
We communicate weekly value statements for the whole-school community to consider and practice. In weekly assemblies these are explored and presented in a stimulating way by specialists often from our senior leadership team, these keynote speeches are designed to explore these themes in depth.
We follow the SMSC guidance as identified by the DFE.