Primary to Secondary Transition

Application for a place in year 7


Applications for a place at The John Roan School should be made via the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Admissions Timetable for a place in Year 7 starting in September 2025

Stage of process Date
Application period starts 1 September 2024
Closing date for applications 31 October 2024
Outcome of applications 3 March 2025
Deadline for accepting the offer 17 March 2025
Deadline for lodging appeals against a decision not to offer a place at The John Roan School – see timetable below 31 March 2025
Appeal hearings May and June 2025
Induction day at secondary school 2 July 2025

We accept applications from students across South London, including Greenwich, Bexley, Bromley, Lewisham and Southwark.

The transition from primary to secondary school is a very exciting time, but this big leap can also be daunting for both children and their families. At The John Roan School our aim is to make this process as smooth and enjoyable as possible for everyone.

Along with ensuring that we have all the information we need about each child from their primary school, we always plan lots of activities and opportunities for new students to meet each other and get to know their new school before they start with us in September.

Applications for a place at The John Roan School should be made via the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

How places are allocated

After the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan naming the school, priority will be given in the following order to:

(1) Looked after children and previously looked after children who have been adopted or become subject to child arrangements or special guardianship order, immediately following having been looked after, including foster care. Including internationally adopted previously looked after children. (new).

(2) Children or their immediate family member with a chronic medical condition or social care need that can only be met if a child attends a particular school.

Applicants need to set out the reasons why the school can best meet needs and the implications for the child or immediate family member if a place was not obtained at the school. Evidence of the condition or need must be submitted with the application, such as a letter from a registered health professional or practitioner i.e. a doctor or social worker.

(3) Children who have a sibling (brother or sister) living at the same address who will be attending the school at the time of the child’s admission.

A sibling means a full/half/step/adopted/foster brother or sister living at the same address. The John Roan School also accepts siblings to mean those attending our Sixth Form Provision.

If you have an older child or children already attending the school, you need to make this clear on your application.

(4) Children of staff working at the academy

(5) Other children based on home to school distance.

Distance from home to school is measured as a straight line from the centre of the home address to the centre of the school site. In the event that two or more applicants have equal right to a place under any of the above criteria, priority will be given to those who live nearest to the school. Should two or more applicants live an equal distance from the school, including instances where more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building, the offer of a place will be decided by random allocation.

The home address is considered to be where the child resides as their only or principal residence. Proof of liability for Council Tax will be required. If the child resides equally between both parents, the principal home address will be considered to be the address of the parent who is in receipt of any benefits for the child (if applicable) and named on the child’s passport, the address at which the child is registered with a GP and at primary school. However, this is not an exhaustive list, and all evidence will

be taken into account. If the child’s residence is not split equally between both parents, then the address used will be the address where the child spends the majority of the school week.

In establishing the principal home address, we reserve the right to ask for further information (such as proof of the tenancy period) and to check records held within the Council and with external agencies. If a false address is given and an offer of a school place is made on the basis of that address, we reserve the right to withdraw the offer of a school place at any stage during the secondary admissions process.

Waiting lists

Waiting lists are maintained in the same order as the published admission criteria. Priority is not given on the basis of when a child’s name was added to the list or whether an offer of an alternative school has been accepted. Waiting lists are maintained for the entire academic year.

Admission of children outside their normal age group

Any request for a child to be educated outside their normal age group must be put in writing. Supporting documentation may be provided to support such a request. A decision will be based on the individual merits of the case. The decision and how it was reached will be confirmed in writing. There is no formal right of appeal.

Admissions for children with SEND and disabilities

United Learning Trust is committed to ensuring that the necessary provision is made for every pupil within their schools’ communities. The Trust celebrates the inclusive nature of their schools and strives to meet the needs of all pupils with a special educational need and/or disability.

Normal admissions arrangements will apply for children with disabilities.

Children with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care plan) naming the school are given priority as per our Admissions Policy.

The Assistant Principal - Student Support and the Head of the Centre for Autism will meet with parents whose child may have additional needs. The Assistant Principal responsible for Student Support or the Head of Year will meet with the parents/carers of new pupils to The John Roan School. They will gather all relevant information including regarding any SEND. New pupils have an induction programme and part of this is delivered by an allocated Learning Coach. Click here for more information about our SEND provision.

The communication is frequent and informative through different mediums e.g. Emails, text, phone call, information evening, newsletters.All staff are very approachable.Head of Year 7, Mr Duncan, is excellent and a fantastic role model for our son. Headteacher, Cath Smith, took the time to meet with myself and my husband when we were deciding about the school and this was so appreciated and helpful. Now both our children attend the school and we have been very satisfied with the approach, support and communication."    Parent/Carer Survey Oct 2022
New Admissions Handbook

New Admissions Handbook

Becoming a John Roan Student

Becoming a John Roan Student

What extra-curricular activities does the school run?

These vary from term to term and are different for different year groups.  The schedule is published on the website and is shared with the students.  There is always a wide range of sporting and music opportunities, we have a lively and successful debating club, the School Council plays an important part in the life of the school and we have a very busy community group that work with local day centres, have dementia training and support a wide range of local groups.  Our library is busy before and after school every day as well as at breaks and lunches.  We run homework clubs after school.  For older students there is also the opportunity to study for additional GCSEs, as well as to attend revision classes prior to exams.

Enrichment Activities (


Do you set groups in Year 7

Yes, in Maths, English and Science the groups are organised according to ability.  Students can move between groups following assessments.  In all other subjects, the students are taught in form groups or in mixed ability groups from across a number of forms.

What subjects do you offer?

At key Stage 3 (years 7, 8 and 9) we offer a wide, broad and balanced curriculum to all of our students.

Our curriculum offer can be seen on our website here

Can students take additional GCSEs?

Some of our students study for the GCSE in Astronomy – working with students from other schools and the Greenwich Observatory.  The classes for this are at the weekend. 

Some of our students also take Further Maths GCSE – this is taught after school during Year 11 

Some of our students take Triple (or separate) Science – this is largely taught after school during Years 10 and 11 

Where a student is bilingual, we are often able to arrange for them to take a GCSE in their community language

Is there bullying in the school?

Sadly there is bullying in all schools.  We work hard to ensure that all students know and understand that bullying is wrong and that it is important to report concerns around bullying at an early point.  Our Form Tutors and Heads of Year will listen and take action according to the situation that they are dealing with.  In all cases, parents are involved.  We will not tolerate bullying and take strong action where we find out about such behaviours.  Reconciliation and reparation are a key part of the follow up work.  We have a School Counsellor and a number of other staff with training in working with students who need additional emotional support.

FAQs 2023
Parent Handbook

Our Parent Handbook includes everything you need to know to help your child get set up for a successful start at The Jonn Roan School - please click here.


What is the Hardship Fund?

We are fortunate to have the generous support of The John Roan Foundation behind us.  Each year, the Trustees allocate funds to the school to support our families who have difficulty in paying for:

  1. Curriculum trips, visits and year group residential trips (up to 100% of the cost)
  2. Uniform, shoes or sports kit

The allocation of funds from The Hardship Fund is discretionary and, if awarded, does not need to be repaid.




DEADLINE: For applications to the Hardship Fund for uniforms for students entering Years 7 and 9 only for September 2024, all applications must be received by FRIDAY, 14th JUNE.  You will be notified by 1st July 2024 if your application has been successful, providing full evidence has been provided.

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United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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