A Warm Welcome to The John Roan School

With immense pleasure, I welcome you to The John Roan School, a place where our shared value of PRIDE consistently brings out the best in every individual.


Welcome to The John Roan School! We are proud to be a special and unique community that combines a rich historical legacy with a broad and innovative curriculum. Established in 1677 by John Roan, a member of Charles I’s royal household, the school was founded through his generous bequest to educate the children of Greenwich. His vision continues to shape our values and mission today.

The school’s motto, with honour and hard work, suggests that excellence, hard work, ambition and social responsibility were at the heart of John Roan’s vision. These values still influence the school today and our mission is to ensure that all students achieve the highest possible academic outcomes and develop into responsible citizens, so they are able to lead happy and fulfilled lives.​ We achieve this mission through our PRIDE values. 

We are ambitious for every child, regardless of their background, prior attainment, or needs. We believe every student is capable of achieving extraordinary things. So, we challenge students to do what they think they can’t, to work hard, and be their best.  

Our approach to education is rooted in academic rigor and a focus on excellence in teaching and learning. Everything we do is focused on student learning and we use every second we have with the students to deepen their learning. Pupils only have one education and so we treat our time with the students as precious. 

In addition to academic success, we place strong emphasis on personal development. We aim to nurture well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to their communities. Students are provided with opportunities to lead and serve within their communities. Sport, music, and the arts play an integral role in our curriculum and students benefit from the John Roan Foundation’s generous support through access to expansive playing fields, a dedicated outdoor education centre, complimentary music lessons and a comprehensive Sixth Form Scholarship Programme. Each year, our sixth form students secure places at top universities, including Oxbridge.

Our close partnership with the award-winning Parent-Teacher Association, the JRSA, reflects the strong sense of community spirit that is at the heart of The John Roan School.

We look forward to welcoming you.

With best wishes 

Dr Jennie Sanderson

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