School Ethos

We are an ambitious learning community where PRIDE brings out the best in everyone – students, staff, parents/carers and the wider community.

The best is achieved within a climate of high expectation and ambition, but as well as academic success, we aim to develop character, compassion and service.

Our PRIDE ethos represents what we expect of everyone in our school community.

We are Proud of ourselves and constantly strive to be the best we can be so we can look back on a joyful schooling with wide opportunities which challenged, inspired and excited us.

We are caring and courageous in our Respect of difference and diversity.

We are Involved in school life and contribute positively to society.

We are Determined to try things we cannot do, to persist in the face of difficulty and be resilient in overcoming obstacles.

We aim to be Excellent in all we do.

Vision and Strategic Priorities 2022 – 2027

Our Commitment to an Education With Character

Our founder, John Roan, bequeathed his estate to educate the children of Greenwich. The principles he instilled in the school remain today; every child is entitled to be educated in inclusive, stimulating and rewarding surroundings. The Trustees of The John Roan Foundation continue to ensure that his legacy delivers unique opportunities to our students.

Life at The John Roan School is structured to provide a richly diverse range of experiences such that all of our students are able to reach their potential both whilst at school and in their adult lives. In the seven years that students grow and develop with the school, they will experience a diverse curriculum and enrichment programme that stretches them academically and socially and which has character development at its heart.

United Learning schools are committed to providing excellent education through which all pupils are able to progress, achieve, and go on to succeed in life. We seek to improve the life chances of all the children and young people we serve and make it our mission to bring out ‘the best in everyone’ – students, staff, parents and the wider community.

Pride Passports

Students in Years 7 and 8 all proudly carry a Pride Passport in their blazer pocket. If a student displays PRIDE values in lessons, a teacher can reward them with PRIDE points, and they will receive a PRIDE sticker associated with the value they have demonstrated.

Stickers can also be collected for excellent community behaviour and a gold sticker is awarded for displaying PRIDE values above and beyond expectations - this is a fantastic achievement.

Stickers are collected in students' passports and, at the end of each term, we will hold a surprise celebration to present certificates and badges to those with the most PRIDE points.

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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