SEND Support at The John Roan School

At The John Roan, we provide an ambitious, inclusive, and safe environment which enhances the learning of all students and helps them achieve their full potential.

We believe that all children can exceed their expectations, no matter their prior attainment or experiences. We recognise that some students may need additional support at specific times during their school career to meet challenges, whilst others may need ongoing support. Therefore, we are committed to providing outstanding support to all students, planned, delivered, and reviewed, to the highest standard by all teaching and support staff.

We do this by:

  • Ensuring high quality teaching in all students
  • Ensuring students gain the highest specialist subject knowledge from their teachers by accessing mainstream lessons
  • Creating a culture of ambition and high aspirations
  • Calm learning environment free from disruption
  • Building a strong community based on fairness and personal responsibility
  • Valuing and respecting all who come to our school
  • Being reflective and committed to our ongoing development as teachers and leaders, in our continuous strive for excellence

We understand that the transition process to a new school can be a daunting experience for any parent and we try to make this process as smooth as possible. If you have concerns about the support that will be available for your child once they move to The John Roan, the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator would be more than willing to meet with you to answer any questions.

SENDCo Rosie Masson 

To discuss anything SEN please email: 


Teaching and Learning of SEND Students

We believe that every teacher is responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all students in their class even where students access additional support from learning coaches and support staff.

Teaching and supporting students with SEND is a whole school responsibility requiring a whole school response. To achieve this, we work in partnership with parents/carers, students, local authorities, specialist providers and other external agencies to meet the individual needs of our students.

The department, under the leadership of the Assistant Principal (SENCO), aims to promote learning strategies and teaching approaches that allow the needs of students with Special Education Needs and additional needs to be met. Support is given to teachers to enable them to provide appropriate challenges and opportunities for success for identified students. In addition, we help students to recognise and plan for their own progress.

Nicole Britchfield

Specialist Learning Coach - ASD

Specialist Learning Coaches

Our Specialist Learning Coaches have expert training in working with children with specific learning difficulties. The team works with all school staff to identify and assess students’ needs, plan for these needs and put into appropriate identified strategies.

Specialist Learning Coaches have a range of evidenced based literacy and numeracy resources available and use these tools to support the progress of SEND students, aiming to reduced any gaps in learning. A wide variety of support is put in place depending on the needs of the child. This can range from individual and small group withdrawal sessions, with our specialist Learning Coaches or external professionals.

Our Interventions Include:
  • Reading comprehension
  • Numeracy  
  • ELSA (emotional literacy)
  • SALT (speech and language therapy)
  • Memory and processing development
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Regulation support
  • Homework club (afterschool)
Assessment and monitoring

All students who enter The John Roan are assessed for baseline reading, spelling and complete MiDYAS  testing. This information is used alongside other data to identify students who may require additional support. Intervention sessions are provided to target specific development needs and the progress of each student is monitored closely. Students who do not make progress in light of the interventions are placed on the SEN register and further interventions may be offered. The SEN register is reviewed on a termly basis to ensure that students are moved through the SEN stages of the Code of Practice in an accurate and timely manner. 

We work closely with a range of external agencies

We work closely with a range of external agencies who provide specialist support and advice for individual students depending on their needs. These agencies include:

  • SALT (Speech and Language Therapy)
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Paediatrician
  • Occupational Therapist
  • CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
  • Physiotherapist
  • Auditory and visual support services
  • Local Authority SEN/ Inclusion Team

Centre For Autism

At The John Roan we have the Centre for Autism (CFA), which is a designated specialist provision.

The CFA is a separately funded provision, within the mainstream school, and has a total of 16 places for students with autism across Years 7-11.

Families who are considering a CFA placement should first consult with the Local Authority SEN department or the SENCo at their child’s current school.

For Special Educational Needs enquiries, please email 

Lead Teacher of the DSP
Kate Ling -

Read more about our Centre For Autism (CFA)

Head of Centre - Ms Kate Ling

The CFA is a separately funded provision, within the mainstream school, and has a total of 16 places for students with autism across Years 7-11.


Designated Special Provision for Students with Autism | Essential Information | About Us | The John Roan School

CFA students must have a diagnosis of autism (but not necessarily an EHCP). CFA students have the potential to access 50% of their lessons in mainstream and to achieve at the same level as their peers, given the right level of support. CFA students follow individual timetables which reflect their needs. They are taught both in the mainstream and in the CFA. CFA staff deliver the mainstream curriculum. Some mainstream staff come to the DSP to deliver their subject specialism.

The CFA provision is comprised of an Autism friendly classroom and a sensory room. Small breakout spaces are also available when needed by individuals dependant on their needs. The CFA offers a quiet space away from mainstream; skilled staff who are trained in autism; learning support; social and emotional support and access to outside agencies, such as speech and language services.

There are 4 full time members of staff, with additional support from the wider Inclusion Team. All CFA students will have access and support through the whole school Inclusion Team and its resources. In addition to the mainstream curriculum, the team make time for each student’s special interests. The frequent CFA trips incorporate the interests of the students.

The CFA Team encourage all their students to join in with social opportunities in school and facilitate this where necessary. The CFA Team work very closely with families and encourage parents and carers to contact them very regularly.

Parents interested in applying for a CFA place should first consult the SENCo at their child’s primary school and read the information on the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s website to find out about the applications process.

Head of Centre - Ms Kate Ling Email:

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