Student Absence


Good attendance is at the core of good learning and achievement. We record and monitor attendance as a legal requirement and expect a minimum of 97% attendance.

Please do not make dental/medical appointments during school hours.

We urge you not to take your child on holiday during term time. It makes it difficult for your child to catch up with their work when they return. Term time absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances; otherwise the absence will be unauthorised. Taking your child on holiday during term time without permission from the Headteacher could result in a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN).

Reporting Absence

In the event that your child is unable to attend school, please contact the Attendance Officer before 8.30am on each day of absence.

You can email the Attendance Officer on or call 020 8516 7543/7558.

Absence from school will not automatically be authorised and medical evidence* may be required to ensure absence due to illness is authorised. *Medical evidence: A Doctor’s letter, a copy of a prescription for medicine, or the prescribed medicine packaging, which must be supplied to the school.


Students should arrive for line-up at 8:20am, ready to begin the school day.

Students arriving after 8:25am will be marked as late and will be kept in detention after school the next day. If there is a valid reason for lateness, please contact the Attendance Office on the contact details above.

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